It’s easy to get overwhelmed when you have a lot on your plate. Between work responsibilities and personal obligations, life can get stressful, and it’s even more stressful when you forget something important. By creating organized to-do lists, you can prioritize the things you need to do, keep track of what still needs to be finished, and feel productive and prepared in all areas of your life. Not everyone runs on lists. However, if you’re struggling to make sense of your goals, a list could save you time, energy, and the need to come up with excuses for when the thing that needs to happen, well, doesn’t.
List-making is pretty personal. Some people border on obsessive about them. Organizing the bathroom can turn into a session of ticking off 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, rather than a freestyle shift-around between number 2s. However, even the most basic outline of the things you need to do can help you crush your goals and foes. Largely, your goals. Decide what medium works best for you. If your smartphone is in your hand all day every day, use the Notes application to create your to-do list. If you hate staring at a phone or computer screen, grab a pen or pencil and write your list by hand. A to-do list will not be helpful if you dread making it or using it, so choose whatever medium you prefer most.
There are applications available for download, such as My Success List – Goal & Todo Check List.
We’ve all fallen into the trap of trying to do too much at once – a bad habit we like to call “multitasking.”
We sit at our desks with the intention of getting on with an important project but decide to fire off a quick email before getting started. Next thing we know, we’ve spent thirty minutes going back and forth with the recipient, replied to a couple of WhatsApp’s, ordered something off eBay and are nowhere nearer to starting the task we’d originally intended to work on. Thanks to open plan offices, 4G phones and super-fast WIFI, we’re more accessible than ever, meaning distractions are easy to come by and difficult to get rid of. There’s also the issue of managers actually valuing their colleagues’ apparent ability to multitask and there’s an expectation in the workplace that we should be able to manage more than one thing at once.
If you’re struggling to get focused at work, a good place to start is with a properly written To Do list, My Success List – Goal & Todo Check List.
Think about the bigger picture to work out your priorities.
How can I use My Success List App?
You can set a reminder to pay your insurance, gas/electricity bills on time, mortgage amount, attorney fees or loans and other important timely payments.
It helps in your day-today efficiency and greatly improves your productivity and output by giving you more control on your time and activities. You won’t be overwhelmed by looking at your to do lists any more. When you’ve got a million things on your plate, the last thing you have time for is fussing with an app. You need it to be easy and fast to use while still offering you enough features to keep you organized. When you have so many things already on your plate, last thing you want to spend time on is finding the right app for your lifestyle. You will find our app Daily Planner to be easy and fast by giving you enough features to keep you organized.
List all of the tasks that you need to accomplish 3 at a time:
These can range from “Shower” to “Finish presentation for work next week” to “Find a present for Mom’s birthday next month.” As you can see, these tasks range in their nature, their importance, and the time they will take. Don’t worry about following a pattern or organizing them— that will happen later. For now, just write down every responsibility you think of. Writing absolutely everything down, you will be getting it off your mind and onto paper. It will ensure you don’t forget anything, and hopefully, it will also help your mind feel less crammed.
Outsource any tasks you can:
After you’ve listed the things you need to do, decide if you can enlist any help. This is especially important if you are overwhelmed or crunched for time. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, delegate duties, and resist the urge to micromanage. If it doesn’t need to be on your to-do radar, remove it.
Make your to-do lists for the current day only:
Keep it simple! This will help you organize your tasks in order of priority, and you won’t feel overwhelmed looking ahead at tasks for tomorrow, next week, or next month. Be realistic about what you can accomplish in 24 hours. Your daily to-do lists should have less than ten things, and maybe even less than five. Use your master list to make your daily lists. After you’ve created your daily list, put your master list away.
Every day, see which items from the master list and weekly project list should move to the HIT list. You’ll find that the big hitters from your master list start to play a more active role in your day-to-day. To-do lists are a great way to keep track of outstanding tasks, but they can be poor motivators. They often end up too long, too short, too confusing, overcommitted, unwieldy, and forgotten, or even too meticulously planned.
What does My Success List app do actually?
App lets you create a pipeline where to list down all your pending task or future goals.
Then take 3 most important task for that day and set it as your Today’s Task. As soon as your task is done, move it to your completed section. Move your next task from pipeline into Today’s section. If you fail to do some task that day, then they are transferred in your Incomplete Section.
Highlight of our My Success List app is it’s gentle, but firm, notifications from time to time for you to review your day’s task for a good productive day.